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Mycosis Fungoides

The LITE Study

Introduction The preliminary results of the LITE Study, a three-year trial focused on evaluating the efficacy of home phototherapy compared to in-office treatments, have been released. The data is promising for individuals seeking a safe and effective home treatment for plaque or guttate psoriasis. Dr. Joel Gelfand, the lead physician of the study, initiated this […]

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Home Phototherapy for Psoriasis: Encouraging New Data, Optimizing Access

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Psoriasis Awareness Month: The Benefits of Home Phototherapy

Introduction August marks Psoriasis Awareness Month, a dedicated time to shine a light on a condition that affects millions worldwide. Psoriasis is far more than just a skin issue; it’s a chronic autoimmune disease that can significantly impact one’s quality of life. At NatBio, we’re committed to advancing understanding and treatment options for this challenging […]

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Psoriasis Treatment Algorithm Guided by Patients’ Preferences

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The Sense of Stigmatization in Patients with Plaque Psoriasis

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Stigmatization in Patients with Psoriasis: A Mini Review

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Association of Noninfectious Pneumonia with Ustekinumab Use

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Narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy to clear and maintain clearance in patients with mycosis fungoides

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A retrospective, descriptive study of patients with Mycosis fungoides treated by phototherapy (oral PUVA, NB-UVB) with a twice-weekly regimen with an experiential timeline of 13 years

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Phototherapy for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma

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